Outdoors for Everyone
‘Outdoors for Everyone’ is a new program to find FUN ways for communities to come together in 2024 in outdoor spaces. The excitement for outdoor programming has sparked new ideas and ways to include new partners. Disability Pride PA will produce activities along the Delaware River Trail utilizing and surveying more the trail with partners like Adapted Birders, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, and more.
This is partially funded by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council in collaboration with The Circuit Trails Coalition.
The Circuit Trails is a vast regional trail network in the Greater Philadelphia and southern New Jersey region.
The Circuit Trails can be used for walking, biking, running, strolling, rolling. It connects communities, providing endless opportunities for recreation, relaxing and commuting.
Currently 378 miles are constructed and, when complete, the network will comprise 800 miles. One of the Circuit Coalition’s goals is to construct 500 miles of trail by 2025.
The Circuit Trails are advocated for, built and maintained by a Coalition of nearly 100 members and partners.